Lake Nokomis Big Beach

Location Map

To get there, take Cedar Ave. in South Minneapolis to the north crossing of Lake Nokomis Pkwy. (Cedar crosses the Parkway twice), and head east on the Parkway about ΒΌ mile. There’s a pay lot there ($1.25 per hour), and free parking on the nearby streets


Sample Location:Route A

Sample Location:Route B

Sample Location:Route C

Sample Location:Route D

[This should be an alphabetical list of the name of the routes that start from this location, which should be described in text below. After those widgets are created and anchors defined for each, link each element of the list to the anchor for that route using the "Insert link to anchor" function.]

Route A


Route map

[Text with distances to various landmarks and water stops. For the water stops, include Google Maps links to assist water stop helpers driving to them.]

Route B


Route map

[Text with distances to various landmarks and water stops. For the water stops, include Google Maps links to assist water stop helpers driving to them.].

Route C


Route map

[Text with distances to various landmarks and water stops. For the water stops, include Google Maps links to assist water stop helpers driving to them.]

Route D


Route map

[Text with distances to various landmarks and water stops. For the water stops, include Google Maps links to assist water stop helpers driving to them.]

TWIN CITIES RUNNING CLUB is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. St. Paul, MN